Tetra Tech Appointed to Satimola Potash Mining Project
Tetra Tech is proud to announce that we have been appointed by Qazaq Kalium to complete a JORC* compliant feasibility study for a 6 Mtpa (million tonnes per annum) …
Tetra Tech is proud to announce that we have been appointed by Qazaq Kalium to complete a JORC* compliant feasibility study for a 6 Mtpa (million tonnes per annum) …
Pavlodar Province of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Beskauga deposit is part of Copperbelt's Dostyk Project group. Of the project group there are 4 main prospects of …
Fortis Mining (ASX:FMJ) is working on two potash deposits in west Kazakhstan, the Chelkarskaya (Chelkar) and Zhiliyanskoe (Zhilyan), which, according to archived Soviet …
Kazakhstan Potash Corporation (ASX: KPC) is pleased to announce that the validated assay results from the remaining drill hole, No. 834, of the 2013–2015 exploration …
ASX-listed Kazakhstan Potash needs another US$4 billion to finance potash mines in Kazakhstan, where the company wants to create a potash-mining hub to …
An updated JORC compliant Mineral Resource estimate was released for the Peschanka deposit in 2020. The work was undertaken by an external consultant and incorporates …
With the huge explored reserves of potash salts in Kazakhstan, there is still no production of potash fertilizers, the demand for which is constantly growing. In this regard, research …
The Chelkar salt deposit, Caspian Depression, western Kazakhstan, covers 1,250 square miles and is nearly five miles deep.
Given the seeming inability of the industry to self-regulate and to honour the principles of RPEEE as clearly explained in the major Codes, it falls upon investors and readers of …
5-1-2017: Kazakhstan Potash Corp. Inc. announces an Exploration/Drilling Update report for its Chelkar deposit at the Chelkar project. Drilling results