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composition de xénotime

Xenotime | Rare Earth Element, Yttrium Phosphate …

Xenotime, widely distributed phosphate mineral, yttrium phosphate (YPO4), though large proportions of erbium commonly replace yttrium), that occurs as brown, glassy crystals, crystal aggregates, or rosettes in …

Composition, lattice parameters, and room temperature

The composition, lattice parameters, and elastic constants of natural single crystal YPO4 xenotime from Novo Horizonte (Brazil) were determined using EPMA, XRD, and the pulse-echo technique. The composition indicates a 24% substitution of Y sites with other rare-earth elements. The lattice parameters of the studied crystal deviated only …

A new analytical protocol for high precision U–Th–Pb

Abstract Xenotime is a significant accessory mineral which is being extensively used for precise U–Th–Pb geochronology by Electron Microprobe Analysis (EPMA). This paper presents a protocol for high analytical precision (<3% uncertainties on the measured ages) developed for the accurate estimation of U–Th and Pb content in …

Chemical composition of xenotime-bearing granites

The Th, REE and Y contents are very high up to 1,530 ppm, 21,031.28 ppm and 7,604 ppm respectively in samples containing monazite and / or xenotime. The Sc content, however, is very low which is ...

Xenotime-(Y) Mineral Data

General Xenotime-(Y) Information : Chemical Formula: YPO4 : Composition: Molecular Weight = 183.88 gm Yttrium 48.35 % Y 61.40 % Y 2 O 3 Phosphorus 16.84 % P 38.60 % P 2 O 5 Oxygen 34.80 % O _____ _____ 100.00 % 100.00 % = TOTAL OXIDE: Empirical Formula: Y(PO 4) Environment: Minor accessory mineral in both acidic and alkalic …

Composition and origin of intermediate solid solutions in …

Its composition is in the transition between zircon, coffinite (USiO 4) and xenotime; (2) The agglomerated high U region, which appears as isolated particles in zircon with a composition close to coffinite. The composition of the observed highest U region is Zr 2.7 Si 12.2 O 61.8 U 19.8 P 1.4 Y 1.2 Yb 0.6 Hf 0.3, and the particle size is …


The main characteristics of xenotime are listed below: (1) The content of yttrium is high while that of the light rare earths is low (Table 12 ). (2) The content of thorium is lower …

Mineral Processing of Rare Earth Ores | SpringerLink

2.2.1 Occurrence. Rare earth minerals occur as fluorites, oxides, tantalates, carbonates, phosphates, sulfates, borates, silicates, etc. (Qi 2018).List of different rare earth minerals are presented in Table 2.3.The average concentration of REEs in the earth's crust is found to be 150–220 ppm, which is much higher than the concentration of other …

Xenotime: Mineral information, data and localities.

Corin, F. (1931) Sur la présence de xénotime et d'autres minéraux contenant des terres rares dans les veines à bastonite de Bastogne. Bulletin de la Société belge de Géologie, XLI, 109-111. ... S.R. (2020) Occurrence and Composition of Columbite-(Fe) In the Reduced A-Type Desemborque Pluton, Graciosa Province (S-SE Brazil). Minerals 10 ...

The chemical composition of xenotime form fissures and …

Eleven specimens of xenotime from the Alpine region (six from fissures, five from granitic pegmatites) have been analyzed by electron microprobe. Unit-cell parameters have been obtained from X-ray-diffraction data obtained on single crystals. The REE distribution is subject to important variation, some specimens being particularly rich in …

Xenotime-(Y) YPO4

Xenotime-(Y) YPO4. Crystal Data: Tetragonal. Point Group: 4/m 2/m 2/m. Short to long [001] prismatic crystals, with {010}, {110}, may be pyramidal {011}, equant, several other …

Crystal chemistry and miscibility of chernovite-(Y), xenotime …

The crystal chemistry and crystal structure of the rare earth element phosphates, monazite-(Ce), Ce(PO 4), and xenotime-(Y), Y(PO 4), as well as the arsenates, gasparite-(Ce), Ce(AsO 4), and chernovite-(Y), Y(AsO 4), from the hydrothermal quartz-bearing fissures, related to pegmatites overprinted by amphibolite facies, …

Composition and origin of intermediate solid solutions in …

Table 1 summarizes representative bulk-rock composition of those granites from the Erzgebirge and Jordan, which contain intermediate solid solutions. A common feature of most of the tabulated rocks is that they represent highly evolved granites poor in P. The data show that the samples span a wide range of composition with respect to …

Geochemical characterisation of xenotime formation …

The formation environment of xenotime can be deduced from careful petrography and reliable U-Pb in-situ geochronology within a 4D framework. Further, xenotime is a physically robust mineral during sediment transport and may carry distinctive geochemical fingerprints, including age, to secondary environments. From published …

Compositional Variability of …

xenotime compositions in different types of ore-bearing and barren granites of the Erzge-birge/Krušné Hory; and (iii) an attempt to establish basic relations between monazite and xenotime compositions and the bulk-rock composition of the parental granite. 2. Geology 2.1. Variscan Granites of the Erzgebirge/Krušné Hory Area

Chemical and structural relations of epitaxial xenotime and …

Xenotime overgrowths on detrital zircon in siliciclastic sediments have been reported in numerous studies. However, in natural samples, solid solution of zircon and xenotime is limited to near-end-member compositions. In order to characterize the interface region between both minerals and to draw inferences on the growth mechanisms of …

(PDF) Experimental metasomatism of monazite and xenotime…

This study explores the origin and geochemical evolution of apatite, monazite, and xenotime along two metamorphic traverses. The first, Fluorapatite, [Ca 5 (PO 4)F], is a common accessory mineral from the Kigluaik Mountains, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, consists in most amphibolite and granulite facies, metapelitic to of a localized (85 cm) …

X-ray-excited optical luminescence imaging for on-site identification

Abstract. The on-site identification of rare-earth-element (REE) bearing minerals prior to off-site quantitative analysis helps to efficiently develop mines that reserve REEs. This study examines a method for rapidly identifying xenotime, which is one of the principal REE bearing minerals, leading to such on-site analysis.

Xenotime-(Y) YPO4

Xenotime-(Y) YPO4 c 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1 Crystal Data: Tetragonal. Point Group: 4/m2/m2/m. ... C.M. Gramaccioli (1991) The chemical composition of xenotime from fissures and pegmatites in the Alps. Can. Mineral., 29, 69–75. (4) Y. Ni, J.M. Hughes, and A.N. Mariano (1995) Crystal

Characterization of Xenotime From Datas (Brazil) as a …

By comparing the composition of XN01–XN05 (Table 3) against other xenotimes, we observed a higher correlation between the Datas xenotime and hydrothermal xenotime studied by Lan et al. and Kositcin et al., even though there are some overlaps between the hydrothermal data from the literature and some …

Xenotime | Rare Earth Element, Yttrium Phosphate …

Xenotime, widely distributed phosphate mineral, yttrium phosphate (YPO4), though large proportions of erbium commonly replace yttrium), that occurs as brown, glassy crystals, crystal aggregates, or rosettes in igneous …

Xenotime-(Yb) Mineral Data

Named after its composition and relationship with xenotime-(Y). Name Pronunciation: Xenotime-(Yb) Synonym: ICSD 79760 : IMA1998-049 : PDF 45-530 : Search for Xenotime-(Yb) Images: Images: Image not yet available on Webmineral Try searching images.google or Mindat Picture Gallary for mineral pictures. ...

Synthesis and properties of anhydrous rare-earth …

The synthesis methods, crystal structures, and properties of anhydrous monazite and xenotime (REPO 4) crystalline materials are summarized within this review.For both monazite and xenotime, currently available Inorganic Crystal Structure Database data were used to study the effects of incorporating different RE cations on …

Hydrothermal monazite and xenotime chemistry as genetic …

The same conclusion can be reached for the different magmatic-hydrothermal deposits since the host rocks for the Butte and Pebble porphyry Cu-Mo-Au deposits and the reduced intrusion-related Clear Creek and Shotgun deposits are of different ages, composition, and chemistry, yet both monazite and xenotime in each …

Paragenesis and composition of xenotime-(Y) and

This study investigates the paragenesis and ore mineral composition of xenotime [(Y,HREE)PO4] and florencite [LREEAl3(PO4)2(OH)6] from heavy rare earth element (HREE) deposits/prospects of the ...

Experimental metasomatism of monazite and xenotime: …

In this study a Th-bearing monazite from a Brazil beach sand, a low Th monazite from a Malawi carbonatite, and a xenotime from a pegmatite in northern Pakistan were experimentally metasomatised in a series of common metamorphic and igneous fluids at 600°C/500 MPa and 900°C/1000 MPa. Fluids included H2O, NaCl, and KCl brines, …