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société minière bhp billiton

Biographie Samy Badibanga Ntita

Cette société est détentrice de plusieurs permis de recherches minières en République démocratique du Congo (RDC) et partenaire en joint-venture de BHP Billiton. Il devient consultant pour la société minière BHP-Billiton de 2005 à 2010, et participe à ce titre à l'introduction de la société en RDC, notamment dans les partenariats ...

Annual report 2022 | BHP

In FY2022, our tax, royalty and other payments to governments totalled a record US$17.3 billion. Of this, 77.5 per cent or US$13.4 billion was paid in Australia. During the last decade, we paid US$90.5 billion globally in taxes, royalties and other payments, including US$70 billion (approximately A$90.1 billion) in Australia.

BHP Petroleum merger with Woodside | BHP

BHP received new Woodside shares for the sale of its Petroleum portfolio. BHP distributed Woodside shares on 1 June in the form of an in-specie dividend. Key points include: Merger ratio – on completion at 1 June 2022, the merged business will be owned approximately 52 per cent by existing Woodside shareholders and 48 per cent by BHP ...


une société minière de droit guinéen, a été créée en 2003 pour développer le projet d'exploitation du minerai de fer. ... est devenu l'actionnaire principal de la SMFG après le rachat des parts de BHP Billiton et New Mont (anciens actionnaires). Une partie de l'actionnariat est revenue désormais à l'Etat Guinéen, aussi.

Change of name to BHP Group | BHP

19 November 2018. Following shareholder approval, BHP Billiton Limited and BHP Billiton Plc have changed their names to BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc, respectively, effective 19 November 2018. BHP Group Plc's ticker on each of the LSE and JSE will change to "BHP" on 23 November 2018. In connection with the name change, …

The Who's Who of South32 | Mining Digital

South32 is a globally diversified metals and mining company operating in Australia and Southern Africa. Named after the parallel of latitude that connects Perth and South Africa, South 32 is a spinoff of BHP Billiton's noncore assets – aluminium, coal, manganese, nickel, silver, lead and zinc -- and aims to create a business that lives by its …

Profil d'entreprise: BHP Billiton

BHP Billiton est le plus important producteur de minerai de manganèse marin et l'un des plus importants producteurs d'alliage de manganèse au monde. Les actifs de …


SOCIÉTÉ MINIÈRE DE BAKWANGA SARL ET BHP BILLITON WORLD EXPLORATION INC ... BHP Billiton World Exploration Inc., société constituée conformément au droit di Canada, dont le siège social est situé Suite 800 Four Bétail Centre, Vancouver, V7> 1L2, Canada, ayant une succursale en République Démocratique du Congo dont le sièg ...

BHP and Billiton to merge

BHP and Billiton, two of the world's biggest resources companies will merge, to create BHP Billiton, capable of delivering estimated pre-tax merger benefits …

Our products help build a better, clearer future | BHP

At BHP, we are already providing materials and jobs critical to the future and we see clear opportunities to use our strengths to continue to grow value for shareholders. I am incredibly optimistic about the future of our company. Find out more. Mike Henry. CEO. Making a positive difference.

société minière bhp billiton

Translation of "minière BHP-Billiton" in English. Translations in context of "minière BHP-Billiton" in French-English from Reverso Context: Il devient consultant pour la société minière BHP-Billiton de 2005 à 2010, et participe à ce titre à l'introduction de la société en RDC, notamment dans les partenariats avec les entreprises ...

South Australia Olympic dam | BHP

Located 560 kilometres north of Adelaide, South Australia, Olympic Dam is a part of our Minerals Australia operation. It's made up of underground and surface operations and operates a fully integrated processing facility from ore to metal. It is located on the traditional lands of the Kokatha, Dieri, and Arabana people. 2005 We took ownership ...

Annual report 2021 | BHP

Underlying attributable profit increased by 88 per cent to US$17.1 billion. The total shareholder dividend for FY2021 was a record 301 US cents per share. This represents an 89 per cent payout ratio. Our total direct economic contribution for FY2021 was US$40.9 billion. This includes payments to suppliers, wages and benefits for our 80,000 ...

Jansen | BHP

Our CAD$14 billion (US$10.5 billion) investment in the Jansen project will deliver a potash mine in Saskatchewan designed to maximise sustainability. The Jansen site, of which we own 100 per cent, is located approximately 140 kilometers east of Saskatoon. For potash, a new commodity for BHP, Jansen is key to our long-term growth ambitions.

Offices | BHP

Sales and Marketing office. BHP Billiton International Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd, Level 12, Link Square 1, 222 Hubin Road, Shanghai, 200021 China. Phone. +86 21 6122 7000. Tokyo, Japan. Sales and Marketing …

Iron ore | BHP

BHP Billiton Brasil and Vale each hold a 50% shareholding in Samarco. Following the Fundão dam failure in 2015, operations at the iron ore operation have resumed without the need of tailings dams and with a new, safer filtration system. The autonomous Renova Foundation was established to remediate and compensate for the impacts of the dam …

Minerals Americas | BHP

BHP has approved more than US$10.5 billion (CAD$14 billion) in capital expenditure for the Jansen project. Find out more. Samarco (Brazil) Iron ore asset. BHP Billiton Brasil and Vale each hold a 50 per cent …

BHP Billiton

BHP Billiton (NYSE : BHP, LSE : BLT, ASX : BHP) est un producteur de fer, de diamants, de charbon, de pétrole et de bauxite.En 2006, elle est la plus grande entreprise minière du monde et est considérée, avec Anglo American et Rio Tinto, comme une entreprise minière intégrée verticalement.. Description. Elle possède des installations minières et de …

Annual report 2023 | BHP

2023 at a glance. 67% Operational energy sourced from renewables.2 Was 47% in FY2022. US$332.6m Indigenous procurement. Increase of 122% on FY2022. BHP delivered another strong set of results this year despite lower commodity prices and inflationary pressures. Our underlying attributable profit was US$13.4 billion, or 265 US cents per share ...

Our future | BHP

We also have a goal to support 40% emissions intensity reduction of BHP-chartered shipping of BHP products. To help us achieve these goals, we are working with our partners in the steel and maritime industries, backed by US$400 million of investment under our Climate Investment Program in areas such as low carbon steelmaking and low …

Sustainability | BHP

Our commitment to social value reflects our purpose and BHP's role in supplying products essential for the transition of society towards a more sustainable future, a role that we seek to perform in a responsible way. Our management of sustainability helps generate social value. We also know our stakeholders and partners are increasingly ...

Unified Corporate Structure | BHP

Under a unified corporate structure, BHP Group Limited shares would be listed on the Australian, London and Johannesburg stock exchanges, with an American Depository Receipt (ADR) program on the New York Stock Exchange. If you are a shareholder in BHP Group Limited, you will retain your existing shareholding in a unified BHP.

Category:Billiton Maatschappij

The Billiton Company returned to Indonesia in 1968 with an offshore tin concession in Pulau Tujuh which has since been liquidated. Bought out by Shell in 1970, the successor to the Company is now Billiton International Metals BV (BHP Billiton). Source. Mary F. Somers Heidhues: Company Island: A Note on the History of Belitung. …

Chile | BHP

We believe the future is increasingly clear and our strategy, portfolio, capabilities and approach to social value position us to play an important role in meeting the twin objectives of an accelerated energy transition, …

Bauxite | SpringerLink

Table 6.1 Resource estimates of known bauxite deposits at 30% AA cut-off grade (BHP Billiton data) Full size table The largest deposit is located in the Bakhuis Mountains, which contain more than 300 Mt of bauxite at a grade of 39% available alumina (or 44% total alumina), with possible extension into the Adampada-Kabalebo area.

Investors | BHP

Our Annual Reports. Our purpose is to bring people and resources together to build a better world. Our strategy is to have the best capabilities, best commodities and best assets, to create long-term value and high …

BHP Billiton redevient BHP

Le groupe minier anglo-australien BHP Billiton souhaite réaffirmer ses origines en reprenant le nom de BHP, à l'heure où sa structure fait...-Matières premières

En bref

Séoul — Le p.-d.g. du géant minier mondial BHP Billiton, Marius Kloppers, a la ferme intention de mener à bien l'acquisition par son entreprise de sa rivale Rio Tinto, rapportait hier un ...

How BHP Went From Sheep Station To Mining …

BHP Billiton. The South African owned Billiton and Australian-based BHP finally agreed to join forces on 16th May 2001. A merger of such a huge scale that the newly formed company proclaimed itself the world's …